Tuesday, 15 December 2009


The Origins of Television


How Television Works


television the drug of the nation

new project. communication technology.
As a child i spent a lot of time watching t.v as a teenager i was angry at the amount of time my parents watched t.v. as a mother I am concerned about the amount and content of the t.v. my children watch and what it is doing to their mental and physical health.

Spending Time With New York Street Advertising Takeover

Friday, 11 December 2009


I have decided to ave a go at doing a shadow play for the what is viscom project pitch. I have looked at loads on here and really liked the simplicity of this one..

Monday, 7 December 2009

Tropfest NY 2008 winner, "Mankind Is No Island" by Jason van Genderen

Just liked the simple message and methods of comunicating the message. all filmed on a mobile phone.

Saturday, 5 December 2009

Herbert Baglione - from "The Run Up"

I found this quite inspiring... thankyou Neil and Charlie! :)

Everything is OK Montage

A friend showed me this and I love it!!!! :)

Wednesday, 2 December 2009

Restless debt of a third world beauty, by Faith47

I like this womans work a lot. I also like how the video has been put together, the sound, and also including what is going on around her etc.

Cape of Good Hope - Faith47

thought the word on the wall was FAIL first time I watched it ... spine chilling awesome work


Fucking love this shit!!!!! consume consume consume!!!! HugSSSSS!! HAHAHA!!!



I decided to do do a photographic documentation of this event for the book project.
Ive been attending this event for a while now and have seen some amazing work and met some lovely people.

Song by Ben Harper. I like the woman coated in oil in this video.